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4+Today Jobs in Tanzania at Azam Pay

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Ongeza nafasi ya kupigiwa simu, Tengeneza CV Bora Kuanzia Sh 4000 CV Bofya Hapa

Website Azam Pay Tanzania


Jamiichek has made for you easy to acess all avilable Jobs in Tanzania and Today we bring you four vacancies at Azam Pay Tanzania which is financial platform that ofer financial  services  via mobile platform to healp people  to easily manage their finances via mobile  phones at home and society at large. Basing on wide use of mobile money in Tanzania, Azam-pay had attached into digital business to provide  availability of user friendly mobile  money services

Azam pay has currently  extended  to rural areas where traditional banks maybe less to facilitate financial services through  provision of gateway for its customers who had problems in financial services

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Azam Pay Tanzania Jobs in Tanzania

Azam Pay Tanzania is currently hiring welcoming various candidates interested to apply for the position avilable if you are interested please check the pdf below for more information about these vacancies opportunities announced

