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2+Today Jobs in Tanzania at Chemonics International

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Website Chemonics International Tanzania


Chemonics International Tanzania currently hiring on mentioned Jobs in Tanzania.  As Sellected  candidate you will work with  USAID listed project which I five years of experience  that aims to strengthen health and food market systems that promote the adoption of optimal nutrition related behaviour across a range of stakeholders in targeted regions in the country

The organization is looking for someone with passion for making  difference in lives of people around the world so that to work in to implementing Lishe mtambuka Project in Tanzania  investing over 13Mil UsD for the five years Duration. This projects aims to strengthen health and food market systems  that promote the adoption of optimal Nutrition  behaviours.

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Image shows chemonics International logo: Chief of PartyFinance Intern Jobs in Tanzania

Chemonics seeks outstanding  individuals who are passionate for making changes in their lives around the world and who are willing  to serve in long or short  time. If you are interested please check the pdf below for more information about this position

